Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

6 Months Old

Six months ago we were blessed with our amazing son. Our lives are forever changed! Happy 6 months old BJ!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to Daddy, Pop, Grandpa Deschaine, Dziadziu, Great Grandpa Deschaine, Great Grandpa Jack, Great Grandpa McCracken, Uncle Jason, Uncle Joe, Uncle Brad, and all the other fathers in the world!

Daddy and BJ

Pop and BJ

Grandpa Deschaine and BJ

Dziadziu and BJ

Uncle Jason, Jacob, and BJ

Uncle Joe and BJ

Uncle Brad and BJ

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Fingers are tasty.

So are toys.

And don't forget about the sunflower on the activity jumper!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Rolling Over

BJ is becoming a pro at rolling over. Well, at least from his back to his front. He hasn't even attempted to roll over from tummy to back. And it's kind of funny...he doesn't like being on his tummy too much. He likes to roll over, but once he does he just complains!!

First you gotta roll to the side.

Then you wiggle your hips until they flip over. But don't forget about the arm that's tucked under!


Saturday, June 5, 2010

Sitting Pretty

BJ can sit up all by himself!

And this is just a really cute picture of my boy. I love his face!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Gimme the steak and potatoes!

BJ has started eating solid food! Last Saturday he tasted rice cereal for the first time. He did a wonderful job eating off the spoon. He didn't open his mouth too wide; he discovered that he could just suck the cereal off the spoon. BJ didn't have any reaction at all. Maybe because the rice cereal was so "watered down" with the breastmilk. Per the pediatrician's instructions we are going to stick with just rice cereal until his 6-month checkup. So that means no cute pictures of BJ with peas or prunes or carrots all over his face for a couple weeks. Here's a few pictures of his first time tasting the cereal: