Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tooth Fairy

When we were visiting Grandma Bys in July BJ got his first two teeth. And he's only had those two teeth. Until last week. While Grandma was visiting us BJ's third tooth came in! It's his upper left lateral incisor, not one of his cental incisors which is normally next. So, he's still missing his two front teeth. But now we know what to wish for this Christmas :)

Monday, October 25, 2010


On Sunday October 17th we had a dedication ceremony for BJ at our church. We had intended on having it over the summer but we just never set the wheels in motion. My mother-in-law was visiting from MA so we decided now was the time. Brian wrote this wonderful letter to BJ and read it aloud to the church:

Dedication Letter to BJ from you parents

Psalm 127:3-4 says "Behold, children are a gift of the LORD, the fruit of the womb is a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth."

BJ, you are a blessing from the Lord to your mom and me.

Your mom and I desire to dedicate you to the Lord today, October 17, 2010 in front o our family and friends because God has been gracious and faithful to us. Our prayer for you is that you will grow to know God, to love God, and to serve God with your life. To help you on this journey, your mom and I commit to the following:

  • To teach you about God from His Word (Deut. 6:5-9)

  • To train you up and show you the way you should go (Proverbs 22:6)

  • To provide for your needs (II Cor 12:14b)

  • To correct and admonish you in love (Proverbs 13:24)

  • To nurture and care for you (Eph 6:4)

  • To be an example to you (II Tim 1:5)

BJ, Please understand that we will not be perfect at meeting these goals, but we trust that our faithful God will make up for our shortcomings because He loves you even more than we do (which is hard to believe). May God receive the praise.


Your Mom and Dad

We were blessed to have Mommom and Pop Rarig, Uncle Jason, Cousins Taylor and Jacob, and Grandma Bys come to BJ's dedication!

Monday, October 11, 2010

The Perfect Autumn Weekend

We had beautiful weather here in MD this past weekend. We took advantage of this warm front and headed out for some Fall Fun.

Friday night Brian and I went to a benefit dinner for The Catherine Foundation, a local preganacy care center. Pam Tebow, Tim Tebow's mom, spoke at the dinner. She had a fabulous Pro-Life message! It was nice to have a date with Brian but I constantly thought of BJ. It was the first time someone other than Brian and I put BJ to bed. Thanks Stacie and Stacie's mom for watching our boy!

Saturday we went to BJ (and Brian's) first high school football game.

After the game we went to Queen Anne Farm. We didn't buy anything but it was fun to take BJ to someplace festive.

After church on Sunday we went to Miller's Farm for some apple cider donuts and pumpkin softserve icecream. BJ had his first taste of Mommy's favorite dessert (any type of icecream) and he absolutely loved it!! He wanted more icecream and let us know! He's a boy after my own heart :)
"Really Mom?! Out of all these pumpkins you choose THIS one! Where's my big pumpkin?!"

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Best Birthday Ever

My birthday was on Wednesday. It was the best birthday because I was able to spend ALL DAY with my favorite little man! We went to the library, we played games on the living room floor, just me and my boy :) Brian took us out for dinner at Outback Steakhouse and then we had a wonderful birthday celebration.
We had Carvel ice cream cake (a must for any birthday celebration) and presents. Notice the basket of unfolded laundry. I didn't want to work on my birthday :)
The best gift was an original BJ work-of-art, which is now hanging on the fridge.
Thanks for a wonderful birthday Brian and BJ!!! I love you both!