Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Saturday, February 26, 2011

14 months is so much fun!

BJ is really starting to show some personality. He makes me laugh all the time at the crazy things he does.
He found a new favorite place to play:

A fun, cozy place to read books:

When he yells, BJ makes an "L" with his fingers (he thinks this is hilarious!).

BJ only likes to feed himself with the left hand (but he holds his spoon with the right hand).

BJ is starting to walk a lot more now. Crawling is still faster but he chooses to walk every once in a while. He is also starting to exhibit "stranger danger," which makes church, food shopping, and just going out in public a little more difficult. BJ doesn't even like people looking at him. And since BJ is just so stinking cute SO many people like to say hi :) Eventually he'll grow out of it. But until then, I'll just enjoy the cuddle time while he cries.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

All in a Week's Work

There has been a lot of activity in the Deschaine household this past week. I have been wanting to post a blog for a while but things keep coming up! So I am taking advantage of BJ's nap today to post a few pictures.

Last week (could've been the week before) we had about 4 inches of snow. Brian and I were so excited to bring BJ outside. He has boots and snow pants that he has not worn yet! So I bundled him all up while Brian was shoveling the snow. When we brought BJ outside...well, let's just say it's good that it doesn't snow that often in Maryland! BJ did NOT like the snow at all! He wouldn't touch it, didn't want to sit in it. All he wanted was to be held. Needless to say, we didn't stay outside too long.

My poor attempt at a snowman. I haven't made one in years and since BJ didn't enjoy being outside I didn't put much effort into it. The snowman only had a body. No head, no arms, no nothing.

BJ is slightly content on daddy's lap.

Don't let me touch the snow, daddy!

Now that BJ is getting older we needed to pack up some of his "baby" toys. Brian took apart some of BJ's larger toys (walker, jumper, etc.). After months of neglect BJ suddenly became very interested in the toys that were being put away.
And for the BIG news...BJ took his first steps on February 4th! Every night Brian and I help BJ walk between the two of us. He very much prefers crawling and only walks when we make him do it. He only takes 3 or 4 steps on his own. Pretty soon he'll be running!!