Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy (belated) Birthday Daddy!

Happy Birthday Daddy! You are the best Daddy in the world! Thank you for playing with me, teaching me how to play ball, showing me God's wonderful creation all around us, and being an example of a man after God's own heart. I love you Daddy.
Love, BJ

Spring Break Part 2

We went to my parents' the Thursday before Easter. My sister and her two boys, Sam (almost 4) and Tommy (16 months), stayed over as well. We hadn't seen each other since Christmas. BJ really enjoyed seeing his cousins and his Chuchee (but we missed Uncle Joe, Uncle Jason, Taylor, and Jacob). Here are some pictures of the cousins:

Sam and BJ hanging out.

Tommy and BJ loved the Bob the Builder tractor!

What are you looking at boys? Sam and Tommy are very interested in digging in the dirt. BJ hasn't quite discovered the dirty side of being a boy (he often shows me his hand if it gets dirty and tries to wipe off the dirt).

BJ and Tommy playing with the rocks.

Hiding under the slide.

Sand is so much fun!!

In the back of Pop's pickup truck.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Putting all your eggs in one basket

Brian and I were looking forward to the Easter egg hunt at my parents' house this year. We thought that BJ would REALLY enjoy looking for eggs (because they kind of resemble balls). Last year BJ was not so interested...

This year I took a book out from the library to prepare BJ for the hunt (eggs were hidden throughout the book that you had to find). Rain wasn't going to stop our egg hunt so we moved everything indoors. When the egg hunt started BJ needed guidance on what to do. But soon he found a little nook that had 2 or 3 eggs!

I ended up carrying BJ's basket towards the end. When BJ found his last egg I asked him to put his egg in the basket. And do you know what he did?! He ran right into the kitchen and...

put his egg in the basket! Too funny!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Break Part 1

We traveled a lot for spring break this year. For the first time since we moved to Maryland we decided to drive up to Massachusetts (gotta love Southwest and direct flights but, alas, money doesn't grow on trees). We specifically went up for 25th Anniversary party (Happy Anniversary Grandpa and Grandma Deschaine) but stayed for a few days to visit family. Here are a few pictures from our trip:

BJ's first carousel ride. He was gripping the pole so tight that his knuckles were white!

Grandma Bys, cousin Heather, and her two girls, Carolyn and Madison, joined us on the carousel.

Riding on cousin Alex's motorcycle.

BJ and his Auntie Amelia.

Loving on Elmo in cousin Alex's fun sport-themed big boy bed!!

Playing with Auntie Autumn.

Having a blast pushing around a baby stroller!

I had this great idea to put BJ in the stroller. After a minute of pushing the idea wasn't so great. To me. However, BJ liked it so on I pushed!

Auntie Stephanie brought out the big guns....bubbles!!!

Djiadjiu (hiding behind the gate) was quite the entertainer.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I finally did it! After 3 LONG years of studying I have passed my medical transcription course! I started this online course many moons ago to create an option for me to work from home after we started a family. The goal was to finish before we had a baby. Although BJ came before the course was finished God provided for our family so I could stay at home. The time has now come for me to look for a job. Prayers are appreciated as I look for the perfect job that fits our family's needs (and allows me to stay at home!).

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

MomMom and Pop come to visit!

Mommom and Pop (my parents) came to visit BJ a few weeks ago. We hadn't seen each other since Christmas. Since we live far away from most of our family, and since BJ is exhibiting "stranger danger", we've creating a special photo album of him and all his relatives to help him know them. Each picture consists of one family member holding BJ. I've been showing him Mommom and Pop's picture for about 2 weeks and I think it is working. When BJ first saw Mommom and Pop he didn't cry! Yippee!!

Mommom and BJ playing with balls (of course).

BJ about to knock over Pop's tower.

We also visited my brother and his children. Taylor had a soccer game so we all drove up to see them.

Jacob and BJ playing soccer, sort of.

BJ and his favorite girl cousin, Taylor.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Cleaning

BJ took it upon himself to reorganize the kitchen cabinets. I never thought about putting my measuring spoons with the pots and pans or the pan lids in the utensil drawer! Just another way to keep Mommy on her toes!