Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Take me out to the ballgame

What better thing to do in 100 degree weather than watch a baseball game! We went to our nephew Jacob's coach-pitch ballgame.

Jacob at bat (it's hard to get a good picture from behind the fence).

Jacob as catcher.

BJ hanging around with Jacob at the team bench in case they need a pinch hitter (see his baseball bat in tow?)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Our Garden

We decided to start a garden this year. We have grown potted tomatoes in the past (rather unsuccessfully thanks to my not-so-green thumb) and have decided to try again this year. Due to our lack of space for a garden we decided to use pots again. Hopefully, with Brian and BJ's help, the garden will be a success!

First, you have to fill up your pots with soil.

Second, you put your plant in the soil.

Third, you water your plant (BJ's absolute favorite thing to do! He wants to water them all the time!)

Fourth, you clean off in the cool pool! Too bad there's not room for Mommy and Daddy :(

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More Pictures from Memorial Day

I had wanted to write more about our fun Memorial Day weekend but time is flying by and, well, if I don't post the pictures now it will never happen. Here are pictures from the rest of the weekend!

BJ playing bubbles with his cousins Taylor and Jacob.

BJ really enjoyed pouring water out of the teapot.

BJ looks so proud carrying around this bucket all by himself!

BJ and Mommom

BJ and Tommy playing hide-n-seek. Tommy is behind the curtain and BJ's raised hand means "where's Tommy?". It was too cute!

I wanted to take a picture of me and my nephew Tommy. I held the camera out to take the picture and apparently I was more interesting than the camera :).

And this is the picture I got with Sam. Funny thing...I didn't know he was making this silly face til after I took the picture. The kid is a hoot!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Our Busy Memorial Day Weekend - Part 2

Our nephew Sam had his 4th birthday in May and he celebrated it at the Elmwood Park Zoo on Sunday.

BJ and Sam's little brother Tommy got into the birthday spirit as well.

Because Sam was celebrating his birthday he had the awesome opportunity to help with the animal show! (Sam is the boy on the right wearing a green shirt).

The zoo was a wonderful little place filled with many activities to do and animals to see. They had pony rides...

a Native American teepee...

and a playground!

We had lots of fun at Sammy's birthday party. Happy Birthday Sam!!

P.S. You know your baby is getting old when he ends up pushing your bag in the stroller instead of sitting in it himself!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Our Busy Memorial Day Weekend - Part 1

May is a very busy birthday month for our family. Brian's side of the family has 4 birthdays (Grandpa Deschaine, Uncle Brad, Dziadziu, and Auntie Lydia) and my side has 2 (my nephews Jacob and Sam). This year we were able to celebrate our nephews' birthdays with them. We started off the Memorial Day weekend with a birthday party for Jacob on Saturday (Happy Anniversary Uncle Joe and Chuchee!).

Happy 7th Birthday Jacob!

Jacob LOVES his little cousins and can play with them for hours. BJ just adores his biggest boy cousin and was laughing up a storm at his antics.

BJ also got a kick out of his cousin Taylor. She has always had the ability to make BJ smile for the camera. What a wonderful start to this holiday weekend!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Auntie April Graduates!

Brian is the oldest of 7 (!!) children. Brian's sister April graduated from New Hampshire Institute of Art with honors. We were blessed to be able to fly up for the ceremony and help Auntie April celebrate. It was a whirlwind weekend filled with tons of family time. Well, as much family time as you can squeeze into a short weekend!

Congratulations Auntie April!

April graduated with a degree in illustration. Here are some examples of her work.

A rare Deschaine family portrait.

A snapshot of the kids running around. It's hard to capture a photo of a 2-year-old, 21-month-old, and 17-month old.

Uncle Brad and BJ passing rocks back and forth.

Snuggling with Uncle Jeff and Auntie Autumn.

The men and their babes.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The Air Show and other fun moments in May

Every May Andrews Air Force Base has an air show. Since we live thisclose to the base we can see the air show from our house. We were out of town during the weekend of the show but we had first row seats during the practice sessions they held. BJ LOVES helicopters and planes (definitely because we see them fly overhead several times a day) so the air show was a big hit for him. Maybe when he gets a little older we'll actually take him on base to see the show!

I don't know about other mothers but I'm not such a big fan of putting overalls on my kid. When BJ was tiny and couldn't sit up or walk, the overalls seemed to bunch up around his head and neck. When he could sit up I found the same thing true. Now that he is walking I decided to try them out one more time...

He looks like Hansel from Hansel and Gretel!

BJ eating corn on the cob like a big boy. He loved it! He ate most of my cob and half of Brian's!
BJ is going to LOVE the chicken BBQ this August!!

Every morning Brian stretches his back out (so not to injure it during the day). BJ wanted Daddy to read him a book. BJ wasn't waiting for Daddy to finish stretching. He made himself comfortable and started reading the book himself!

Another fun thing BJ likes to do is hide behind your back. He doesn't think you can see him there. I love the expression on BJ's face as he hides from Daddy.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Is it already June?

Wow. It's been over a month since I last posted. Our house has been extremely busy during the end of April and beginning of May. And now that Brian is on summer break there is too many projects around the house, playing outside, and special trips to fun places to have a moment to update the blog! I'll try to catch you up in a few posts so I won't overwhelm you!

BJ had his first sinus infection Easter weekend. We were visiting my parents but came home on Easter Saturday. Easter Sunday we ended up staying at home because BJ was so miserable and needed to rest up from all the traveling. I took him to the doctor that Tuesday where he was prescribed antibiotics and eye drops. Thankfully, he was better in a few days.

Look how sad he looks!

More to come in the next few days!