Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

My Poor BJ

Yesterday Brian and I took BJ to the Children's Pediatrics Outpatient Clinic to draw blood...again...for his food allergy test. This time Miss Tiffany focused on BJ's feet. Both feet had to be stuck in order to get enough blood. There was no way that I was going to leave the lab without enough blood in the collection tube. Brian held BJ. The first foot (left) was painful for BJ. He cried. We took a brief break between feet. I think BJ thought we were all done. When they started prepping the right foot BJ was NOT happy. And boy did this child SCREAM when they pricked him. I was bloody murder. I have never heard him cry like that before...and this was our third time going through this. His face was all red and he did not sound like himself at all - his cries were very forceful and strained. I almost lost it. When we got home I gave him some Tylenol, fed him, and held him for 3 hours while he slept. When he woke up this is what I saw:

How precious!

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