Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

9 months

I can't believe BJ is 9 months old already. He's growing so big!! He's been wearing a few pieces of 12 month clothing for a while but he is now exclusively in 12 month clothes. I'm not sure of his weight or height but we'll find out at his 9 month appt next week. For now I just wanted to share some little tidbits of info about BJ:

  • He loves to throw balls. It's his favorite game EVER.

  • If you play with his face (either poking at his nose or giving him fishy lips for example) he'll just sit there, expressionless, and let you play. It is so stinkin' adorable that he just sits there.

  • When he nurses he raises one arm in the air and plays with my face. He likes to grab my nose and lips. Sometimes he pulls my hair but he mostly concentrates on the face. I've also given him "high fives" which he has enjoyed.

  • BJ likes to feel things. He runs his fingers across everything. When he goes to bed at night he'll stroke the sides of his crib till he falls asleep.

  • Bj is not crawling. Yet. The desire is there but the ability is not. He gets up on his knees and rocks but just can't seem to take that first plunge forward. One day soon he will!

  • He still just has two teeth. I feel like he's been teething forever. I'm expecting like 8 teeth to show up all at once.

I love being BJ's mommy.

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