Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Monday, January 10, 2011

Big Boy Carseat

BJ has been in his big boy carseat for about 2 weeks now. He wasn't so thrilled about it at first. It was the same old restrictive position and, since it was nighttime, the view wasn't that great. So he cried and squirmed like normal. Now he's a little bit better. We are able to interact with him more now that he is forward facing and that makes BJ happy. I was concerned about him sleeping in the car since you can't just bring in the carseat anymore. Today we did our first successful carseat-to-crib transfer! BJ is down to just 1 nap a day so it is VERY important that he get a good nap. BJ has learned that if he stiffens his body we can't put him in the carseat easily. He also has learned that if he stiffens his body after we undo his belt he can slide right off! What will you learn next, BJ?

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