Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Twenty One (and a half) Months

I cannot begin to express how quickly time is flying by. BJ is growing faster and learning quicker. He is a smiley, happy, talking toddler! Here are a few insights into our life with BJ at 21.5 months:

  • BJ loves to jump. He jumps on the bed, he "dives in the bathtub" (from kneeling to belly), he jumps on his toys. The other day he even jumped off the couch with no one to catch him (yikes...that was scary!). I wonder where he got that idea from!

  • BJ is learning how to listen and obey. Some days he listens, others he does not. On those days, he often runs the complete opposite direction and does this:

  • Sometimes when BJ takes a drink he will hold it in his mouth for a few seconds. He will look at you to see if you are watching and, when he has your full attention, he will swallow and say, "Aaahhh!"

  • BJ likes to pray. When he takes a drink, he will fold his hands and urge either Brian or I to pray, and then he'll swallow. He also says little prays. He'll clasp his hands, whisper a prayer ever so softly, and then do jazz hands while saying "Amen".

  • BJ likes to "dunk" his food and makes up interesting food combinations: orange slices in A1 sauce, green peppers slices in yogurt, BP&J in tomato soup, etc. You would think that it tastes disgusting but he loves to do it! (I have yet to partake in his tasty experiments)

  • BJ likes to dance. He asks for the radio to be turned on and he'll turn around in circles or sway back and forth. During our nightly devotions, BJ and I make up a song and dance. His favorite dance move is to have both hands and his right foot on the floor and raise his left leg as high as it can go!

  • BJ LOVES Veggie Tales. He sings the theme song by going "bomp, bomp, bomp" and puffs his cheeks. He constantly asks to watch it (and we constantly say 'no'). On the rare occasion that he gets to watch 5 minutes, BJ gets SO excited. He screams, claps his hands, and points to the tv.

  • BJ and Sweetie (our cat) have a love/don't-like relationship. BJ loves her and will do anything to get close to her. He chases her around the house, tries to play catch with her by throwing balls at her, and just gets so excited when he catches a glimpse of her. Sweetie, although she used to tolerate BJ when he was younger, has become a scarce sight in our house. She has taken to hiding under the couch when BJ is awake. But as soon as he is strapped into his high chair for dinner or is asleep, Sweetie is out and about.

    PS - I created this post several weeks ago and never finished it! Hence the 21.5 instead of 21 months :)

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