Team Deschaine

Team Deschaine

Monday, December 12, 2011

So what has been going on in the Deschaine household?

There have been quite a lot of changes in our household. I have delayed posting about it for several months for many reasons. But I can delay no longer!! Many of you already know, but for those who don't...this post is for you:

Our family is following God's call to be short term missionaries to South Asia. Due to the sensitivity of the ministry, I can't post certain details (like exactly where we are going). Our goal is to leave the States at the end of December and return mid-June. During our stay we will determine if the Lord is leading us to continue on with this ministry beyond June.

We have created a mission blog (see the link to the right). We'll be mostly posting to that blog once we reach our destination so check there often.

Now...for the story on how we reached this point in our life. After we returned from our summer vacation at the end of July, Brian was notified that he (along with several other teachers) was laid off from his teaching position. We were quite shocked, especially since school was scheduled to start in just 2 weeks. Brian applied for several teaching jobs but nothing came together. During this time, God was AMAZING! He provided for EVERY need, sometimes before we even knew there was a need! God was using this trial to draw us closer to Him, to teach us to depend utterly on Him, and to prepare our hearts to better serve Him. In September (on a Wednesday) Brian was offered a part time college coaching position in Pennsylvania. We took a few days to pray and seek council. That Sunday, after the morning service, we asked someone to watch BJ so we could have some quiet time to make a decision. We decided that since this was our only job option it must be where God wanted us to go. Little did we know that God had other plans!

At Sunday night church, a missionary couple visited our church and presented an urgent need for a PE teacher, coach, and athletic director at their school. Their current person was leaving in December and they needed someone to join their team in January. Because God had already prepared our hearts (and our circumstances) we were willing and able to meed this need. We talked to the missionaries and then took an additional few days to pray and fast. We both felt this was exactly where God was calling us! We made the decision in September, were approved by the missionary organization in mid-October, and have been traveling to raise support in November. We are currently back in Maryland but only to pack up our house. Time is quickly approaching for us to leave!

Feel free to ask any questions in the comment section. I'll try to answer them as well as I can!

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