I love being a mom! Today was my first day home alone with BJ. Up until now we've had company (grandparents, aunts/uncles) or daddy's been home with us. Today went relatively well. It helped that BJ had an excellent night (he slept from 10:30pm-1:00am and from 2:00am-5:00am - that means lots of sleep for me!) In fact...this morning I was still sleeping at 9:30 when I rolled over and looked at BJ in his bouncer and he was wide awake! I don't know how long he was awake but he was content!
The biggest challenge so far has been BJ's gas issues. He has trouble expelling his gas so he gets upset. But I'm learning to massage his stomach, pump his legs, and pray for relief for him. Mylicon helps a little.
That's all I'll post for now. I need to try to make dinner while BJ snoozes!
Thank you for taking the time to keep us involved! Enjoy your time with the original Brian, Cathy, Amelia, April, Autumn & Jeff.